On Post-traumatic Listening
Design of post-traumatic listening exercises, developed at the Reina Sofia Museum (Madrid).
Pan-Pan Kolektiva sets out from the hypothesis that the current situation is giving rise to collective trauma and from the following question: Do we have the necessary tools to listen to each other or do we need to create new ones?

Pan-Pan Kolektiva takes this question to form the basis of its work around the concept of “post-traumatic listening”, a mode of listening that is yet to be defined or settled upon, and that relegates our position as an individual subject to collectivise malaise and experiences of mourning. Therefore, the collective has contacted a series of artists, thinkers and cultural agents and asked them to produce a series of tools they will present publicly at this event.

Moreover, the encounter features different listening exercises conducted by Víctor Aguado Machuca, Elisa Arteta, José Begega, José Luis Espejo, the Grupal Crew Collective (GCC), Susana Jiménez Carmona, Mattin, Violeta Mayoral, Agnès Pe, Miguel Prado and Arnau Sala.
Pan-Pan Kolektiva was formed in March 2020 as a listening-centred research group, with PAN PAN a standard urgency signal standing for Pay Attention Now, but not as urgent as MAYDAY. After the global health and social emergency caused by COVID-19 society is not necessarily at an endpoint, yet it does require our attention. The crisis has been compounded by uncertainty stemming from already unstable employment and personal situations and we have witnessed the rise of individualism, solitude and isolation, which could lead to psychological imbalances.

Over these months, Pan-Pan Kolektiva has focused its interests on analysing, through listening, the effects of these crises, observing how the social fragmentation mentioned above has triggered the simultaneous and oddly related rise of totalitarian ideologies with the ascent of New Age or anti-mask movements that harbour conspiracy theories — generally speaking, what has been termed “conspiritualism”.

Pan-Pan Kolektiva (Mattin, José Luis Espejo, Agnès Pe)
Pan-Pan Kolektiva:
unprejudiced listenig bot
Unprejudiced Listening Bot is a virtual entity for chatting. It is based on NLP - Natural Language Processing - and interacts with you by giving feedback from news, images, texts and guidance quotes, derived from the collective's research. It is programmed to create the illusion of offering you careful listening, comfort and understanding.

Unseen is an online platform and web archive that presents different approaches to listening and cultivating the relationship between our bodies, space and sound. It is loosely based on Pauline Oliveros' practice of deep listening, which it updates through the perspectives of selected artists. Through a series of exercises, methods and video guides, we are invited to focus on sound as a tool for relieving feelings of separation and isolation, as a tool for imagining better futures.
First Encounter on Post-traumatic Listening
Encounter at Cadalso de los Vidrios (Madrid) in september 2020, features different listening exercises conducted by Víctor Aguado Machuca, Elisa Arteta, José Begega, José Luis Espejo, the Grupal Crew Collective (GCC), Mattin, Violeta Mayoral, Agnès Pe, Jesus Jara and Arnau Sala.

Thank's to Jesus Jara & family.
Cadalso de los Vidrios (Madrid)
September 2020
LINK https://www.museoreinasofia.es/content/escucha-postraumatica

Pan-Pan Kolektiva

Pan-Pan Kolektiva